How are you incorporating technology into your classroom? How can you reach the next level?

How do you incorporate technology into your classroom? That is our focus today! 
I believe that one of the simplest models to follow is the SAMR model developed by Ruben Puentadura. SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. While it does work in a "ladder" format, it is not necessary to go in order. Just like everything when one is a teacher, you must find the perfect balance when it comes to incorporating technology and the right path might not to be incorporating it at all!

A Lesson Example on Page 2 of Infographic!

All in all, technology allows our students to do things that they could never do before. If we allow them to access that technology we are allowing them to transform their learning. Please take a look at the infographic I put together below using an amazing tool: Canva

